How to Join/Renew

If you own a Triumph motorcycle (or any motorcycle with a Triumph engine) then you can join/renew as a Full Member. If you don't own a Triumph then you can still receive the Club Magazine by taking out a Magazine Subscription. You can even join or renew online!

Full Membership

For Owners of Triumphs - Show More

UK Residents: £25.00 - 5 years: £115.00

Non-UK Residents: £33.00 - 5 years: £155.00

Associate Membership

For Partners/Friends - Show More

UK Residents: £8.00 - 5 years: £35.00

Non-UK Residents: £8.00 - 5 years: £35.00

Magazine Subscription

No Triumph needed - Show More

UK Residents: £25.00 - 5 years: £115.00

Non-UK Residents: £33.00 - 5 years: £155.00

Show other Membership Types

Two Ways To Join/Renew

1. Online

We accept payment by Credit and Debit Cards online, just click here to fill out the application form and pay online. If you are renewing your membership, and it hasn't expired yet, then you will get a £2.00 discount if you sign in first.

2. Download an Application Form

If you can't (or don't want to) join online you can download a membership form by clicking on the image to the right. Then just print off page 2 (in Landscape), fill it in, and send it with your payment to the address on the form. Cheques (made payable to 'Triumph Owners M.C.C.') are only accepted from UK Banks and payment must be in Pounds Sterling.

Please note: If you are going to include an Associate then please print a second form for them to fill in. Full Membership includes subscription to the magazine. Sponsor details are only required for Associate Membership.

Not got anything back yet?

If you have sent off your paper form or used the online form, please wait at least 28 days for delivery of your Membership card. If you have not received your card by then, please write to or e-mail the person who you sent your form to as something might well have got lost in the post. You may find that you get a magazine before you get your card. This is because the magazines are sent out separately to the Membership cards and it does not mean that your Membership card has been lost. Please bear in mind that this club is entirely run by volunteers in their spare time, and so may not be able to answer your query immediately.

Download the Club Handbook in Acrobat (PDF) format.

Download the Club Rules in Acrobat (PDF) format.