Details about the Medway branch
Colours: Red-White
Contact: Paul Pearl - 29 Limehouse Court, Sittingbourne, Kent. ME10 3TQ
Website: https://www.tomcc.org/Home/Branch/MD
Email the Branch:
Thank you for contacting us. You should receive an answer in due course.
Medway Branch welcomes all Triumph Owners to our Branch.
We meet every Wednesday with minor exceptions and a full Events List for 2020 will be given to every Member in due course. Meanwhile please look at the Events listed on this website. We hope we are a friendly Club providing "orgainised" Runs on Sundays plus attending local Bike Shows with our machines and hospitality gazebo. We have other social events planned also.
Branch regalia T shirts, sweatshirts etc are available ask on Club Night or telephone for further details.
We as a Branch have some parts books, Haynes and Factory Manuals etc for Triumphs including a Hinckley T595, 955i and Speed Triple plus Honda CB500( twin)and a CD containing Service details for Hinckley T3 Triples, should any Member need to borrow one.
Chairman is Alec Lindsay 01634 578879. Membership Secretary Paul Pearl 01795 410345. Branch Nacelle Correspondent Keith Bradley 01474 824150. Photographer, Rideout Organiser, Webmaster. Alistair Harrison 07517 577 119
Vice Chairman
Bob Thornton
Member since 1996.Authority on pre-unit T100 and T120
Branch Membership Secretary
Paul Pearl
A Member Since 2011, and a Triumph fan for many years, having owned both Meriden, Harris, and Hinckley Triumphs, currently running a Sprint ST955i,a 1988 Harris T140 Bonneville, TR7T Tiger Trail, TR65 Thunderbird, and non Triumphs, a Norton Classic Rotary, Honda CX500B, and a BMW F800ST.
Alec Lindsay
Member since 2001, previous Triumphs 1973 TR7 Tiger 750 (owned during 1980s when a member of TOMCC for a year or two) 1974 T150 Trident (owned from 2001 to 2013). Current bikes are Triumph Street Twin, and T140 Jubilee Bonneville.
General Assistant
Derek Munton
Derek has been associated with Medway TOMCC since inception and must be our longest serving Member. Owner of pre-unit T120 and other old machines.
General Assistant
Alistair Harrison
Member since 2017. Rides a 2009 Triumph America. Joined Committee 2018. Duties to include: Photographer. Ride out Organiser. GDB.
General Assistant
Robert Beveridge ( AKA RAB)
Currently has 4 triumphs, T120 2019 plate, Triumph America 09 plate, Tiger Cub 1957 plate and a Triumph Model X Junior 1930 plate. Plus 5 other vintage bikes that he enjoys trying to restore when he gets the time to spend on them.
General Secretary
Mark Howland
R.I.P Mark, remembered and not forgotten by all.
Nacelle Correspondent/Social
Keith Bradley
Joined 2002. Runs a Speedmaster1200, The man to speak to if you want anything to go in the magazine.