Details about the North East England branch
Colours: Black, White, Red
Contact: Mark Lamb
Website: https://www.tomcc-ne.uk
Email the Branch:
Thank you for contacting us. You should receive an answer in due course.
Formed in May 2016 as there was no dealership or TOMCC within 40 miles and clearly a lot of passion about the bikes from a number of perspectives. We have grown to 180 members in 7 years, cater for everyone where possible and have a very full programme for 2024. We are very much about inclusion and welcome members of all ages, abilities and interests and only ask that people actively participate and respect others views. There is a great range of experience and knowledge amongst members ,who, if they cant help personally can generally signpost to someone who can. Please note change of our HQ from January 2024
further info at www.tomcc-ne.uk
We are very much for the members - if a number of people want to do something then we will do our best to enable it - not everyone was interested in lots of longer last Sunday of the month rides so we introduced the Cafe Amblers for more social , shorter, gentler rides we have also have weekend camps, national and international tours, raffles, barbeques, skill learning sessions, Christmas dinners , guest speakers etc, and an events calendar with a variety of activities .
Further information at www.tomcc-ne.uk
Benwell Hill Cricket Club, West Road Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE15 7EU - Meets: Usually third Tues in month at 6.30/7pm.
See Committee page
Brass Monkey / ride coordinator
Clive Bell
Stalwart of the branch - leads the way on many rides on his red rocket 2.5. Coordinates the winter rides for the brave and foolhardy. A source of sarcasm and wit. Has owned several Triumphs since the 1970s, Bonnevilles, Sprint, Speedmaster to name a few. Assisted by Dave Harding
Mark Lamb
First Triumph - a Tina Scooter in 1975. Punk Rocker, Horticulturalist, Arboriculturalist, Now Bereavement Services Manager.Raced minis in the 80s / 90s. Since had a few different Hondas in 70s and 80s,A Suzuki GT380 a , 1250, A Bonneville T100, a Sprint GT and currently have a Tiger Sport 1050 in black with a white collar called "the Reverend" and green/cream Trident 900 called Shrek that I have a love / hate relationship with. T160 now gone to Southampton . Grandad rode a Triumph in WW1, Dad had a Triumph in 50s / 60s - .
Core Committee
M Lamb, D Tate,C Bell, G Haswell
Annual events calendar and all key decisions and events.Positions to be ratified at AGM January 2025 Details of all events at www.tomcc-ne.uk
General Secretary
Clive Bell
General support, Meeting records, helping with planning and events, merchandise and rides - finger in many pies. Rocket 3 R, 900 Scrambler and 72 Bonny
Memberships Secretary
Victor Stevenson
Ride and Event coordinator
vacant position
Graeme Haswell
Rides a 2.3 Rocket, Held the treasury reins for 4 years now transitioning into retirement from the role handing over to Clive Bell our longest standing member of tomcc who rides a red Rocket 2.5
See Gallery - its a random collection of our members and their bikes as you may expect