Details about the New England TOMCC USA branch

Contact: Simon Wall


Email the Branch:



Riding Triumph Motorcycles and making sure that we represent the Triumph brand

We are motorcycle enthusiasts with a passion for the Triumph brand. We meet regularly to ride our bikes, chat and generally get together for the betterment of motorcycling and to help fellow Triumph Club Members in our area.



Based in Foxborough, Massachusetts - Meets: Every Second Saturday of the month



All avid Triumph riders and motorcycle enthusiasts in general with a penchant for the obscure and ridiculous as well as the old and patina'd

  • Chairman

    Simon Wall

    Been riding bikes since I was about 13 starting out with a BSA C15. That didn't put me off and have enjoyed bikes ever since. I'm usually riding my Tiger 900 Rally or 1200 Speedmaster, depending on the ride we are doing.

  • Membership Secretary

    Allan Green

    Allan joins us in Jan 2024, he's been a club member since 2021 and rides either a 1700 Thunderbird or an 850 Tiger. Al is also the father of our "Wig wearing Crumpet Monkey" logo. For his sins, Al is also our state representative for Vermont.

  • Route Planner

    Bob Roy

    Bob is a founding member of the branch and has good back roads route skills, also a fellow Tiger owner and a member of the ADV group within the branch.

  • Route Planner

    Erik Hegre

    Erik is a founding member of the branch and spends more time on 2 wheels than the rest of us put together. Erik is also our representative for Connecticut.

  • Treasurer

    Andy Bellezza

    Aging Daytona owner and founding member of the branch. Andy is a long time attendee of the Bennington Bash and has been with us since day 1

  • Web and Content Manager

    Nigel Cheshire

    Nigel foolishly said yes to being our web content and now is responsible for our website and updates. Nigel has a 1200 Speedmaster and is also our Rhode Island state representative.

