Details about the Surrey branch
Contact: Sandy
Website: http://surreytomcc.co.uk/
Email the Branch:
Thank you for contacting us. You should receive an answer in due course.
We aim to be friendly, open and approachable so members feel an integral part of the branch. The Branch always welcomes new ideas and input from all members.
All sorts of events are organised from Thursday evening runs, barbecues, Sunday runs, shows, going to rallies, weekends away, trips abroad and more! We want all members to have an enjoyable time so we believe it must be fun and have a laugh.
We welcome all new members, just turn up and you will be welcome. Meets are every Thursday evening from about 8pm, rain or shine (bike or car).
Club Nights every Thursday at the Stepping Stones Pub, Westhumble Street, Dorking RH5 6BS 8pm except when there are organised Ride Outs on the 2nd Thursday of the month (see below) when we leave at 19:30 prompt.
Ride Out to Skimmington Castle Pub
From: Surrey Branch. The Stepping Stones Pub
Click here for more details
Dine with Surrey Tomcc - 6:30pm at the Stepping Stones
Come and get some food and a chat before the usual meeting starts a little later
Ride Out to Onslow Arms
From: Surrey Branch: The Stepping Stones
Click here for more details
Dine with Surrey Tomcc - 6:30pm at the Stepping Stones
Come and get some food and a chat before the usual meeting starts a little later
Ride Out to TBA
From: Surrey Branch: The Stepping Stones
Click here for more details
Dine with Surrey Tomcc - 6:30pm at the Stepping Stones
Come and get some food and a chat before the usual meeting starts a little later
Ride Out to The Plough
From: Surrey Branch: The Stepping Stones
Click here for more details
Dine with Surrey Tomcc - 6:30 pm at the Stepping Stones
Come and get some food and a chat before the usual meeting starts a little later
Ride Out to TBA
From: Surrey Branch: The Stepping Stones
Click here for more details
Dine with Surrey TOMCC - 6:30 pm at the Stepping Stones
Come and get some food and a chat before the usual meeting starts a little later
Ride Out to Most likely the Weir Pub
From: Surrey Branch: The Stepping Stones
Click here for more details
Dine with Surrey TOMCC- 6:30 pm at the Stepping Stones
Come and get some food and a chat before the usual meeting starts a little later
Dine with Surrey TOMCC-6:30pm The Stepping Stones
Come and get some food and a chat before the usual meeting starts a little later
Dine with Surrey TOMCC- 6:30pm The Stepping Stones
Come and get some food and a chat before the usual meeting starts a little later
Please only contact committee members about Branch events or Membership problems. If you want to talk Triumphs, they will be willing to listen to you on a Branch night. Email the branch on surrey@tomcc.org .
Trevor Clark
Membership secretary
Sandy Green
Runs leader s
Trevor Clark and Terry Whiddett
Harry Smith
Vice Chairman
John Steer