Details about the Yorkshire Rose branch

Colours: Gold , Green and White on Black

Contact: Robin Brooks


Email the Branch:



The branch is for the development of motorcycling for the owners in our area of Triumph Motorcycles of all classes and ages.

Our branch holds meetings on the first and third Wednesday's of the month at the Waverlery Inn on Brinsworth Road , Rotherham beginning at 7.30pm. This is normally a social meeting where members chat and exchange ideas. As the weather warms it can also be a ride out to a local venue . Other rideouts are also organised usually at the weekends to places of interest chosen by the members . Our grand event has to be our councours show usually held on the second meeting in June . We invite non members with all makes and ages of motorcycles to display their machines . Several trophies are awarded for age and type . We finish the year with a get together for a Xmas lunch .



The Waverly, Brinsworth Road, Catcliffe, Rotherham, S60 5RW - Meets: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays monthly 7.30 pm



Events are those chosen by members for the enjoyment off all members



Yorkshire Rose Branch Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.

Yorkshire Rose Branch Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.


Yorkshire Rose Branch Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.

Yorkshire Rose Branch Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.


Yorkshire Rose Branch Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.

Yorkshire Rose Branch Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.


Yorkshire Rose Branch AGM and Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.

TOMCC Annual General Meeting 2025
TOMCC's AGM 2025 is being held at the regular Yorkshire Rose branch HQ, The Waverley Public House, Brinsworth Road, Catcliffe, S60 5RW. Large car park situated near the M1 motorway, so easy to get to. You will even receive a buffet lunch! Registration from 10.00am. Hoping for a big turnout from Yorkshire Rose members but everyone will be made welcome. Do come and say hello. Details can be found in Nacelle nearer the time.

Yorkshire Rose Branch Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.


Yorkshire Rose Branch Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.

Yorkshire Rose Branch Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.


Yorkshire Rose Branch Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.

Yorkshire Rose Branch Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.


Yorkshire Rose Branch Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.

Yorkshire Rose Branch Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.


Yorkshire Rose Branch Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.

Yorkshire Rose Branch Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.


Yorkshire Rose Branch Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.

Yorkshire Rose Branch Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.


Yorkshire Rose Branch Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.

Yorkshire Rose Branch Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.


Yorkshire Rose Branch Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.

Yorkshire Rose Branch Social Natter
Waverley Public House, Brinsworth, Catcliffe, Rotherham. S60 5RW. 7.30pm. Everybody welcome, come and say hello.



Mark Packham ,( Chairman ), Steve Rimmer , (Treasurer ) , Pat Burke (Secretary ), Robin Brooks ( Membership and Runs Officer ), Chris Guy ( Merchandise ), Ricardo Moreira ( Events Officer ), Mark Tibenham, ( Scribe ) hold meetings separately so that branch meetings remain a social event .

  • Chairman

    Mark Packham

  • Events Officer

    Ricardo Moreira

  • Membership Officer

    Robin Brooks

  • Merchandise Officer

    Chris Guy .

  • Runs Coordinator

    Robin Brooks

  • Scribe

    Mark Tibenham

  • Secretary

    Pat Burke

  • Treasurer

    Steve Rimmer



Photograhs taken at some of our events .