This is to remind all Club Members that the 2022 TOMCC AGM is taking place on Sunday the 10th April at the Burghfield Community Sports Association, James Lane, Burghfield Common, RG30 3RS. Registration will start at 10:00 and the meeting will start at 11:00. Entry with Membership Card only.
Each year the AGM is held in a different part of the UK. This year the Berkshire branch volunteered to host the event at their Club house. They will be providing a buffet style lunch so no need to bring sandwiches... unless you're really fussy. :)
If you want to volunteer for any of the positions, or you want to submit a proposition then you have until the 11th February 2022 to get them to the Club's General Secretary. All nominations must have the name and Membership Number of the person and the position they are volunteering for, plus the names and Membership Numbers of a proposer and seconder (different to each other and the volunteer). All propositions must have the name and Membership Numbers of a proposer and seconder (again different to each other). Proposers and seconders should attend the meeting to ensure their nomination or proposition is heard.
We hope to see you there.