Trifest Somerset is back for 2024 and at the same venue we had so much fun at last time. Warrens Holiday Village is on the north Somerset coast just 5 minutes from J20 of the M5. A great TOMCC weekend awaits with accommodation in self-catering chalets or ensuite rooms. Phone the venue to book your place and mention Trifest Somerset.
If you've already been to a Trifest Somerset event before you'll know what a great event it is. Early booking is essential to avoid missing out. This year it will be held from the 27th to the 30th September.
To book call Warrens Holiday Village directly on 01275 871666.
Please mention Trifest Somerset when contacting the venue. They will also ask you about your meal choices as they need them to be booked in advance.
There will be a full programme of evening events and Ride-Outs planned. There will be the usual disco on the Friday evening to let your hair down. On Saturday evening we will have the disco again and also a Live Band. Sunday evening will feature our famous Sunday Evening Quiz.