...and will be no more at St Audries. It is with a lot of regret that we have to announce the cancellation of Trifest Somerset 2022 and that we won't be able to go back to St Audries Bay as a Club any more. Anyone who has booked accommodation for Trifest Somerset 2022 will be getting a refund from St Audries.
Due to the COVID crisis, St Audries weren't able to carry on their business in the way they needed to and that led to financial pressures. They have decided to halve the size of their site's accommodation which means that they don't have enough accommodation for the Trifest Somerset event. They didn't do this lightly and are saddened that they won't get to see the TOMCC there again because it was the highlight of their year.
If you haven't heard from them then please get in contact with them:
01984 632515
Obviously this means that we currently don't have a Trifest planned for 2022 - but there are plans already in discussion for an International Trifest. We should be releasing details of that soon.