A week's worth of suggested events have been added to the Trifest International infomation page. The Trifest International event is being held in May on the beautiful island of Guernsey taking in the annual celebrations for Liberation Day. Time to book ferries and accommodation if you haven't already.
This is the current itinerary of suggested events:
Thursday, May 5th.
Guernsey Branch club night at The Pony Inn. If any visitors arrive early, they are welcome to join us, at 6:30 pm. Booking needed though, please.
Friday, May 6th.
Meet n Greet.
3-6 pm. Venue T.B.A. (it will be one of Guernsey's tourist attractions).
Friday evening, your own choice. Your hotel or visit town nightlife.
Saturday, May 7th.
Daytime. Muster at Vista's 10 am. Various tours etc will be organised. Booking will be essential.
Free night to spend at your hotel with friends or visit any nightlife / pub / club that puts on entertainment.
Sunday, May 8th.
Ronez Quarry, Les Vardes from 11am to 4pm. Bike Show in a working Quarry. Food / ice cream vans, toilets etc. Trials bikes riding display, Quarry nature walk. No need to book, just turn up.
Sunday evening.
Gala Dinner/dance Live (UK band https://the3sixties.com) at the Peninsula hotel, Les Dicqs. Booking is essential (let us know by 31/3/22) and places are £29.75 per person.
Monday, May 9th.
Guernsey's Liberation Day holiday.
Events Island Wide, various venues. Culminating at 9-9:30 pm in St Peter Port for grand fireworks let off from the harbour breakwater.
Suggestions for the day include...
Morning, visit the German Occupation Museum ( by Airport)
Afternoon, Venture Inn/ Mallard Complex ( by Airport) Pub party, live music ( Matt Bonneville and the Cage Shakers)
Good views of the Island Cavalcade when it passes.
Tuesday, May 10th.
Sark Liberation Day. Booking essential - Boat passage (no vehicles).
Alternative, Bike rides / Tours.
Also Tues. 10th. 3 cruise ships are due to anchor in The Little Russell, just outside of St Peter Port. A potential 4,000 visitors may come ashore.
Muster at 10 am Vista's Cafe, Vazon.
We will escort you to the tours of your choice.
See separate activities list.
Tours need pre-booking.
See also Suggested Actives page for German Naval HQ with Guernsey Walking Tours.
Weds (11th) Evening from 7-9pm is Guernsey's equivalent of Poole bike night, White Rock, St Peter Port harbour. Cafe / drinks n bikes or a short walk into town / eateries, pubs etc.
Thursday Evening is the 2nd TOMCC social night at the Pony Inn, 6:30 pm. Saying goodbye to those leaving on the Friday. Booking needed, please.
There will be Sand Racing at Vazon on 14th May from 10:45am. Bikes and cars.