We are pleased to announce that the Club has, as of the 22nd May 2023, been incorporated as a Community Interest Company to support and provide benefits to the community of owners of Triumph motorcycles and enthusiasts worldwide.
Congratulations, the Club is now legally owned and controlled by its Members. It does still need to have Directors, who will be responsible for the day to day running of the company and that it keeps benefiting the community, but no Director will have any more control than any other Member.
At the moment it only has one Director, but it would be good to have more and ideally at least three. We will be looking for Club Members to volunteer to become Directors, and if you are interested in being a Director of the Club or just want to know what it entails (which isn’t a lot in actual fact) then please get in touch.
The Club's Branches aren't directly affected by this because all Branches are self-organising organisations with their own finances (subject to their responsibilities to the Club).
The registered name of the company is Triumph Owners’ Motor Cycle Club C.I.C. and the company number is 14884513.
If anyone has any questions regarding the C.I.C. then please don’t hesitate to reach out to a Club Committee member.