Coming on 1st December to the TOMCC YouTube channel. We will begin posting films recorded by the Club's dedicated film unit back in the 1960s. These films will show just how much our bikes, events, and attitudes have changed. Subscribe to our Channel so you don't miss these films as they are posted.
We are pleased that the TOMCC's new YouTube channel has proven popular with over 130 subscribers and more joining every day. We have been posting a mix of new and old videos, relating to Club and Branch events, and Triumph-related activities of individual members. We are particularly excited to announce that on the 1st December we will begin posting films recorded by the Club's dedicated film unit back in the 1960s. These films show just how much our bikes, events, and attitudes have changed.
The quality of these films is surprisingly good considering that they were initially recorded on film, then transferred to VHS tape where they have sat in our archive for many years, and then digitised especially for release on our YouTube channel.
It should be pointed out that the films are 'of their age' and some may find some segments don't live up to current equality expectations.
We do hope that you will enjoy them. Subscribe to the Channel so you don't miss them.