In collaboration with the Motorcycle Club of the State Police of Livorno, TOMCC Italia are participating in a humanitarian mission to the Ukraine. It is being conducted by, among others, the TOMCC Italia's Stefano Biagioli. Accompanying them are Club Members Fabio Macelli and Mauro Castaldi.
The convoy left Italy on the 8th April heading for the Polish city of Tarnow near the border with Ukraine. It is bringing basic necessities for Ukrainian hospitals, especially those in the smaller towns and cities not often reached by the larger charities and organisations.
Stefano has been on two previous missions and has built up a good relationship with the Police in Tarnow. They store the supplies in the local Police station and organise the deliveries into Ukraine - often along dangerous routes.
These missions are possible thanks to the generosity of the many people who with their donations allow the Association to undertake operations like this.