From all of us at the TOMCC. It has been a good year with our branches meeting up regularly around the world and our announcement of the return of Trifest in 2023. If you've never been to your branch, or to a Trifest event, then why not set yourself a New Years resolution to visit next year. We'd love to see you.
The Club Membership office has now closed for the holidays but we will still be active online and by email, and will still be taking Memberships online. All Memberships received before today (22nd December) will be posted out before the New Year - though it will take a bit longer than usual due to the ongoing issues with Royal Mail and the annual Christmas post delays. Next year (2023) we envisage Membership Cards to be delayed until the last week of January/first week of February due to people being away on holiday.
The last Nacelle of this year (the January 2023 edition) should be coming through your letterboxes around the 24th of this month - though once again we can't guarantee it arriving before Christmas due to the various issues at the moment. Overseas (i.e. those not in the UK) Members may not get it until the start of January.
Thanks go to all our Members for their support in 2022 and we hope everyone manages to keep safe over the winter. See you in 2023.
L'ultima Nacelle di quest'anno (l'edizione di gennaio 2023) dovrebbe arrivare attraverso le tue letterbox intorno al 24 di questo mese , anche se ancora una volta non possiamo garantire che arriverà prima di Natale a causa dei vari problemi al momento. I membri stranieri (cioè quelli che non si trovano nel Regno Unito) potrebbero non riceverlo fino a gennaio.
Grazie a tutti i nostri deputati per il loro sostegno nel 2022 e speriamo che tutti riescano a mantenere la sicurezza durante l'inverno. Ci vediamo nel 2023.