...with the Branches in your area. At the recent AGM the Club decided to recruit Members to be Area Representatives and we're now looking for volunteers to start things moving. The Club is growing so we need people who are closer to the Members to help form the future of the Club - is that you?
These Area Representatives will be an important link between the various branches in their area, and between the branches and the Club Committee.
If you are interested in becoming an Area Representative, or just want to know more, then please contact the Club's General Treasurer (who is leading the initiative).
Area Reps will have a similar status as the TOMCC’s existing BMF, ACU and other non-Officer positions. They will not be senior to Branch officials and won’t have authority to interfere in Branch affairs unless invited to do so. The role will be about relationships and advice, not authority. Area Reps will work with the National Committee with the primary link being the Chairman and Vice Chairman. It will be up to the Chairman and the National Committee to decide when and how to meet with all or groups of Area Reps.