The new design features the Club shield with a classic Triumph logo, overlaid on a Union Jack. It will be available in black only to begin with, and in five sizes from Small to XXLarge.
The design isn't available on the merchandise site right this minute, but it will be going up on there anytime soon so keep checking back.
Ordering through the TOMCC Store is easy and straightforward. Simply browse through the various products, choose the ones you would like, select the colour and size where applicable, and the quantity, add to the Basket, and then Checkout when you've added all the items you want. You can pay securely with a credit or debit card online and that's it. Your order can take between 10 and 15 working days to arrive, and maybe a bit longer if you are outside of the UK - postal services being what they are.
As well as the TOMCC range, both Yorvik and Somerset and Dorset branches have their own online stores available. If you are running a branch of the TOMCC then it's easy to get your own store set up - see this news item - but your logo will need to be approved by the Club Merchandise Officer before your store can go ahead, just to make sure there aren't any Copyright or Trade Mark infringements.
If you have a suggestion for any lines that you'd like to see, get in touch with the Club Merchandise Officer.