From the 17th to the 19th May 2024, over 1,000 Triumph enthusiasts gathered at Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Triumph Owners' Motor Cycle Club. Branch stands, displays, runs up the hill, music and partying. An excellent time was had by all, including the venue staff.
Around 110 machines were ridden up the hill from an early Model H up to recent 765 machines. Although some only made one or two runs, the more addicted riders managed five or six.
The food at the venue was excellent, as was the bar. There were visitors from all over the UK and indeed from Europe with riders coming from the Netherlands, Germany, France, Sweden, Norway and Italy amongst others. An Italian Triumph Owner won the Trophy for longest distance travelled.
Trophies were awarded for several categories but two weren't collected on the day. If you know who brought MCY282J or WU22MUC then please get in touch as we'd like to send them the Trophies for Best 1970s and Best 2010/20s.
We hope to see all of you again at Branch meetings or Trifest Somerset. Thanks to everyone for making this a party to remember.