To celebrate the Club's 75th Anniversary, we have managed to digitise and upload every edition of Nacelle that has ever been published by the Club. From the very first edition - January 1950 - up to the most recent containing loads of history. You currently need to be a Member of the Club to read Nacelle online.
The Club was formed back on the 22nd November of 1949 when a group of six enthusiasts got together to form the Triumph Motor Cycle Club. In the first 8 weeks they had 94 Triumph Owners sign up as Members. Initially meeting at Chatham Hall (Battersea), the Club moved to Acuba Hall (Acuba Road, Southfields SW18) from 1st February 1950 meeting every Wednesday fortnight. Within the year, the Club had been renamed Triumph Owners' Motor Cycle Club.
The editions of Nacelle hold all sorts of historical information about Triumph, the Club, and the biker culture at the time. They offer a fascinating insight into the things that were important at the time, and you may be surprised that not a lot has changed over the years.
If you are not currently a Member and own a Triumph then why not join the Club today.