Following an interesting AGM in Berkshire earlier this year, it has been announced that next year's AGM will be up in the Midlands at a place we've been before. The Goodyear Pavilion (now just The Pavilion) will be hosting the AGM on the 16th of April 2023 - entry to the AGM will be by Membership Card only.
The location of the AGM is the Goodyear Pavilion, Stafford Road, Wolverhampton, WV10 6AJ. We would advise all Members considering attending to arrive before 10:30. Registration will start at 10:00 and the AGM itself will start at 11:00. Lunch will be provided.
We welcome Members who want to volunteer to be on the Club Committee. All the Committee positions listed on page 3 of Nacelle are open for anyone to stand for, but we do rather need an Events Coordinator, Membership Secretary, Treasurer, and Webmaster (though that's not a Committee position). All you need is someone to nominate you and someone else to second that nomination. The nomination must have the name, address, and Membership Number of the person being nominated, the person nominating that Member, and the person Seconding the nomination.
If you have an idea to improve the Club, you can put forward a Proposition to do just that. All propositions must have a Seconder. Your proposition must have the name, address, and Membership Number of yourself (the proposer) and your seconder.
Nominations and propositions must be sent to the Club's General Secretary by the 10th of February 2023.
This is not a rally, and there won't be any events other than the AGM itself. It is primarily for Club Members to hear how the Club has been progressing, elect Club Officers, vote on any propositions, and ask questions of the various Committee Members.
The AGM is open to any Full Member of the Club, and any Associate Member representing their branch.