Last year, research showed that motorcycle theft is a key barrier to increased numbers choosing to ride to work. This year independent researcher Alex Parsons-Hulse is leading a new research project that seeks to better understand riders’ views and experiences of motorcycle or scooter theft.
A paper published in the International Journal of Motorcycle Studies shows that 64% of riders are concerned about lack of secure parking and theft. A significant 81% of riders want to see improvements in security.
Alex Parsons-Hulse, the BMF Region 2 Rep, has already published research into the barriers to wider motorcycle use and now he is undertaking this project to expand on this.
The Motorcycle Action Group has been working hard with its Fight Motorcycle Theft Campaign and, amongst other things, is calling for tougher sentencing as part of its General Election manifesto, Move on Motorcycling.
MAG’s Director of Campaigns & Political Engagement, Colin Brown, said:
“It is great to see a research project like this. The fear of theft is undoubtedly a great barrier to increased utility riding in this country.
More motorcycle commuters will translate to less congestion, less pollution, less stressed workers and a buoyant economy. Research may point us in the direction of significant opportunities for tackling motorcycle theft. There are no easy answers, but this is why this kind of research is so important. I hope that riders will help by participating in the survey, especially today on Ride to Work Day.”
Please help with this important research by taking part in an online survey at the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/W89K7PQ
Participation is entirely voluntary, and all data will be collected anonymously. The survey will close on Saturday 29th June. Your views and experiences are important, so please take part as soon as possible.