Older News Articles

Triumph Oracle 3 - Now Available with Updated Features

Improvements in Oracle 3 now mean you can Blue Print your Classic Triumph direct to the Oracle program, rather than printing out forms. So not only will you get manuals for almost every model of Classic Triumph you may be inspired to restore, but you now get features for recording your project.

Triumph Oracle 3

National Motorcycle Museum "LIVE" - Open Day on Sat 27/10/18

Following the continued growth of Museum LIVE over the past four years, Saturday 27/10/18 will see the museum host their 5th annual free open day when everyone will be invited to visit the museum collection free of charge. Now one of the largest events in the biking calendar, there will also be a host of other free attractions.

National Motorcycle Museum

Still Not Too Late for the 2019 New Zealand WATOC Rally

Registration for the rally is now open and is available on-line. TOMCC New Zealand has elected to host the 2019 WATOC Rally of the Year. The rally will be held at the South Island alpine resort of Hanmer Springs over the weekend 22-24 February 2019. Accommodation will be in the Hanmer Springs Forest Camp located a short distance from the township.

Rally Info & Tickets

Hanmer Forest Camp

Brooklands Motorcycle Show featuring a Tribute to Triumph

This year the show is taking place on Sunday the 1st July at the Brooklands Museum, opening from 10am until 5pm. The TOMCC will have a stand there courtesy of the Surrey Branch who did an amazing job of promoting the Club last year. The theme this year is Triumph - and you may be able to take part... read on to find out how.

Motorcycle Show

Isle of Man TT Museum Opening in May

The Isle of Man Motor Museum are pleased to announce that their Isle of Man TT Museum will be opened in Jurby on Friday 25th May. We are honoured that the official opening will be performed by Gary Thompson MBE BEM, Clerk of the TT Course and General Secretary of the Auto-Cycle Union.

IoM TT Museum

TOMCC Glasgow at Triumph Glasgow TFest

On Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd April, Triumph Glasgow hosted TFEST, a festival of all things Triumph. The TOMCC Glasgow branch were in attendance with their own stand showcasing their members incredible bikes, exchanging some friendly banter, talking all things Triumph, and publicising their many up-coming runs and events.

TOMCC Glasgow

Triumph Glasgow

Trifest Somerset - Phone in your Saturday Evening Meal Choices

IMPORTANT - If you are attending Trifest Somerset, want to attend the Saturday Night dinner, and haven't chosen your menu then PLEASE DO SO NOW! Please ring the Reception Team on 01984 632515 to book, the meal payments will be taken on the day but they need your menu choices now.

Trifest Somerset

Test your Triumph Knowledge

It's just for fun... and no data is being collected... not even your scores... so have a go at our first Triumph Quiz and see just how well you do. If you get 7 or 8 out of 10 then that's excellent... if you get 9 or 10 then perhaps you need to spend a bit less time thinking about Triumphs for your family life's sake!

Triumph Quiz

AGM 2018 Report in Brief

The 2018 AGM of the Club was held on the 8th April 2018 at the Discovery Museum in Newcastle Upon Tyne. The North East England branch were responsible for an excellent venue... the Committee even had their own stage to sit on. A large number of attendees rode up from various locations across the UK.

North East England