Older News Articles

TOMCC Ladies Help Break Record

For the World's Largest Female Biker Meet. It was organised by Moto Advisor who managed to get 1,549 female riders to cross the line at the Triumph Visitors Centre and break the previous world record. Among the participants were several TOMCC Members from around the UK The event raised £9,000 for charity.

Moto Advisor

Watch Announcement

Triumph TE-1 Finishes Testing

The development prototype given the name 'TE-1' has now officially completed. The project was set up by Triumph and three other partners (Williams, Integral Powertrain, University of Warwick) to provide information for the future development of electric Triumph motorcycles - the results are impressive.

Phase 4 Results



New Names and New Colours

Triumph have introduced a new set of colours for the summer season over their entire Bonneville range. Not content with that, they are also renaming three of the models in the range. The new names makes it clear what the bikes are at a glance - might they do the same with the Street Triple... we'll see.

Modern Classics



Triumph buys out OSET

In a bid to kick-start their enduro and motocross offerings, Triumph have acquired the OSET electric off-road motorcycle manufacturer based in the UK. OSET offer electric off-road machines suitable for trials competitions for ages 5 to adult. This will also bring a whole new set of generations to Triumph.

OSET Bikes

Cycle World article


Events in July

TOMCC Branches put on a lot of events throughout the year so why not go along to one or two... or more? Some are open to all bikers but be aware that some are Members Only. If you're not a Member then you can always join on the day (though drop the Branch an email or phone call before to confirm) or online.

What's On

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TOMCC Membership with a Brand New Triumph

From Triumph Escondido in California USA. If you buy a Brand New Triumph from them and join the TOMCC (online) then and there, they will deduct the Membership fee from the price of the motorcycle meaning that you get the first year of Membership for free. Now that's an offer worth buying a Triumph for.

Triumph Escondido Facebook

TOMCC San Diego

TOMCC Branch Merchandise

As it says, if you place an order for more than £20 of Branch Merchandise before the 10th June then you will get a free neck tube! What's more, they will print the branch logo on the neck tube also! You lucky people. This only applies to branches who have elected to sell their merchandise through Redline.

Branch Merch

Winner of Winter Raffle Announced

The National Motorcycle Museum Winter Raffle was won by Andrew Quicke who is shown collecting his prize from the Museum. The museum reopened in mid-2021 following the easing of pandemic restrictions and is still recovering from the loss of income so need the raffle income while they get back up to speed.

NMM Website

Summer Raffle

Museum Entry Discount Refused

In sharp contrast to what the Museum Manager promised. Back in March we received an offer from the Museum Manager to publicise their Event days and to give Members of the TOMCC discounted admission into the Museum with proof of Membership. Unfortunately that has turned out not to be the case.

Sammy Miller Museum